Internship Opportunities
As we reach toward our vision of brighter futures in which individuals and families thrive, communities are strengthened, and generations are enriched, Foothill Family embraces as a priority the imperative to train and cultivate a culturally thoughtful, holistically educated, and clinically capable workforce.
The internship program at Foothill Family is designed to be a comprehensive learning experience for graduate level students. Complete with extensive training, structured supervision, and opportunities for financial support through a scholarship program and stipends, our intern program reflects our vision: we aim to enrich the next generation of leaders in our field.
Foothill Family is committed to our interns’ growth and development as people and as clinicians. We understand that the demands of student life are immense and encompassing and Foothill Family aspires to deepen your learning through direct client experience, continued education, thoughtful mentoring, and schedule flexibility.
Opportunities at Foothill Family for MSW internships and MFT training vary in focus and discipline and are available at a wide range of geographic locations throughout the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys.
For more information about becoming an intern at Foothill Family, please email
Gretta Ayoub Casalnuovo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Foothill Family is proud to award two qualified second-year MSW interns each with a $5,000 scholarship as they develop their skills in the field of social work under the guidance of Foothill Family. The scholarship fund honors the memory of Gretta Ayoub Casalnuovo, who spent her career as a therapist, mentor, and leader at Foothill Family. For more information, including criteria for eligibility and the online application, click here.