The Foothill Family Difference

At Foothill Family, we provide comprehensive care that addresses different stages of human development. We believe everyone deserves personalized care that nurtures their whole being. That’s why our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of our clients across four main areas: early childhood development, mental health care, school-based services, and youth and family services.

We take a dynamic and transformational approach to care, which means that our services are tailored to intersect and overlap in ways that create a powerful continuum of care. By combining different types of support, we can provide a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and social needs of our clients.

Our approach to care is designed for long-term success. We don’t just focus on treating individuals, we work with entire families to create a supportive network. By involving parents, children, and other family members in the care process, we help reinforce the skills and resources that our clients learn from working with us. This helps ensure that lasting change takes root and that our clients are better equipped to navigate life’s challenges.

What We Offer

Mental Health Care

Assessment and treatment for children and adults, individuals and families

  • Individual and family counseling
  • Intensive services

Early Childhood Development

Programs for pregnant women, children from birth to age five, and their families

  • Preschool preparedness
  • Autism intervention
  • Developmental delays intervention
  • Individual & family counseling
  • Parent education

School-Based Services

Assistance for children and youth exhibiting social and/or emotional challenges

  • Behavioral & mental health care
  • Educationally-related mental health care
  • Teacher trainings & seminars
  • School community development
  • School/Family engagement

Youth & Family Services

Prevention, early intervention, and treatment programs for children, teens, adults, and seniors

  • Child abuse prevention & treatment
  • Domestic violence prevention & treatment
  • Batterer’s treatment
  • Case management
  • Grandparent support
  • Pregnant & parenting teens
  • Individual & family counseling
  • Parent education
  • PArents Invested in Relationship Success (PAIRS)

Our Client Community

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Evidence-Based Practices

Foothill Family uses several Evidence-based Practices (EBPs) as part of our services and treatment to achieve positive outcomes in our work with clients. These practices connect science and culture by integrating research evidence and clinical expertise with client values and preferences. Currently Foothill Family can provide:

  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
  • Crisis Oriented Recovery Services (CORS)
  • Depression Treatment Quality Improvement (DTQI)
  • Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS)
  • Incredible Years (IY)
  • Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Ind-CBT)
  • Managing and adopting practices (MAP)
  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • Seeking Safety (SS)
  • Stepped Care (SC)
  • Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT)

Jeanne & Mike Beckman Educational Scholarship

Foothill Family’s Jeanne & Mike Beckman Educational Scholarship provides funds to further the higher education pursuits of Foothill Family clients and former clients seeking financial assistance. The scholarship will award up to $2,000 to one or more students each academic year and is renewable on an annual basis should the recipient maintain excellent academic standing at the institution of his/her enrollment.