The Helen Morran-Wolf Educational Scholarship at Foothill Family provides financial support to deserving Foothill Family clients, client family members, or those receiving support from the agency to pursue higher education (Bachelors or Graduate) or vocational training. The scholarship will award up to $5,000 to ten (10) students each academic year and may be renewed for a second year should the recipient identify continued financial need, remains in excellent academic standing at the institution of their enrollment, and is agreed upon by the Foothill Family Scholarship Committee.
Award Criteria:
- Recipients must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited institution or vocational training program in order to be eligible for the award.
- Applicants for the scholarship must demonstrate financial need or personal hardship and demonstrate academic or professional promise and perseverance.
- Applicants must maintain a minimum B- average or 2.8 GPA.
- Funds may be used to underwrite the cost of tuition, room and board (on campus), books and supplies, transportation, and other school-based services to support the well-being and education of the student. The funds must be paid directly to the institution.
This scholarship is funded by the Morran-Wolf/Wolf Family through a generous legacy gift made in 2024 in support of individuals who believe that education is a crucial step toward a brighter future.
Application Deadlines and Information:
- Applications with two (2) supporting statements must be submitted by April 1, 2025.
- Letter of recommendation must be received by April 1, 2025.
- Award decisions will be made by May 1, 2025.

Foothill Family’s Jeanne & Mike Beckman Educational Scholarship provides funds to further the higher education pursuits of deserving Foothill Family clients, former clients, or their parent/guardian seeking financial assistance. The scholarship will award up to $2,000 to one or more students each academic year and is renewable on an annual basis should the recipient maintain excellent academic standing at the institution of his/her enrollment.
Award Criteria:
- Recipients must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited institution or vocational training program in order to be eligible for the award.
- Applicants for the scholarship must substantiate financial need or personal hardship and demonstrate academic or professional promise and perseverance.
- Funds may be utilized for a variety of academic underwriting such as tuition, fees, or campus room and board and must be paid directly to the institution.
This scholarship is funded by the Michael and Jeanne Beckman Educational Fund, which was established in 2017 as an endowment by the Beckman Family in support of individuals who believe that education is a crucial step toward a brighter future.
Application Deadlines and Information:
- Applications with two (2) supporting statements must be submitted by April 1, 2025.
- Letter of recommendation must be received by April 1, 2025.
- Award decisions will be made by May 1, 2025.
Questions? Please contact the Development Department at donate@foothillfamily.org or (626) 993-3636.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply?
Beckman Educational Scholarship: Foothill Family clients, former clients, or their parent/guardian seeking financial assistance.
Morran-Wolf Educational Scholarship: Foothill Family clients, client family members, or those receiving support from the agency.
What are the criteria and eligibility requirements?
Beckman Educational Scholarship:
- Recipients must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited undergraduate institution or vocational training program in order to be eligible for the award.
- Applicants for the scholarship must substantiate financial need or personal hardship and demonstrate academic or professional promise and perseverance.
- Funds may be utilized for a variety of academic underwriting such as tuition, fees, or campus room and board and must be paid directly to the institution.
Morran-Wolf Educational Scholarship:
- Recipients must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited institution or vocational training program in order to be eligible for the award.
- May pursue higher education (Bachelors or Graduate) or vocational training
- Applicants for the scholarship must demonstrate financial need or personal hardship and demonstrate academic or professional promise and perseverance.
- Applicants must maintain a minimum B- average or 2.8 GPA.
- Funds may be used to underwrite the cost of tuition, room and board (on campus), books and supplies, transportation, and other school-based services to support the well-being and education of the student. The funds must be paid directly to the institution.
What is the scholarship award amount?
Beckman Educational Scholarship:
$2,000 for up to 4 consecutive years for 4 deserving students.
Morran-Wolf Educational Scholarship:
$5,000 for 1 year for 10 deserving students. May be renewed for a second year up to the determination of the Scholarship Committee.
Who selects the scholarship recipients?
A dedicated Scholarship Committee, composed of Foothill Family employees and members of the Board of Directors, reviews applications and determines award recipients.
When is the application deadline?
Both scholarship application deadlines are April 1, 2025.
When will applicants be notified if they are awarded?
Recipients will be notified by May 1 , 2025.
How are scholarship funds distributed?
All financial awards are sent directly to the recipient’s educational institution, such as a college, vocational school, or certificate program.